
Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía. Saberes y quehaceres del pedagogo, is a scientific, biannuall, indexed and double-blind peer reviewed journal. It is edited since 2000 by the Escuela de Pedagogía of Universidad Panamericana, campus Mexico City. It publishes specialized and unpublished contributions, both national and international, that may contribute to the advance in the knowledge of the field of education and pedagogy through the study of paradigms, scopes, theories, models and educational expressions. The topics centered in the following issues are particularly relevant:

1) Educational theory and thought, concerning the critical study of human formation, from the perspective of the different schools of thought that may philosophically, historically, psychologically and sociologically base this critical study.

2) Educational actors, processes and institutions referring to the analysis of problems related to diverse educational systems and subsystems., as well as other social spaces interrelated to education.

The journal has a biannual periodicity (January and July). Since it’s 31st. number, the journal is only published in the digital format.

Types of contributions

The Section <<Knowledges>> receives papers that may be reflections and dissertations  on the educational thought.

Section <<To do´s>> receives papers on research from perspectives and designs that may  involve field work with qualitative, quantitative or mixed scopes.

Section <<Notes>> receives reflections on the teaching work and classroom life.

Section <<Critical Book Reviews>> accepts texts that describe books from the pedagogical and education field, that may be no more than 3 years old since their publication. 

Current IssueNo 38 (2024): July-December

Published June 29, 2024


Table of Contents




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