No. 36 (2023): julio - diciembre


Anna María Fernández Poncela
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Published 2023-06-23


  • Gender,
  • Laughter,
  • Feeling,
  • Emotion,
  • Function

How to Cite

Fernández Poncela, A. M. . (2023). LAUGHTER: JOY, NO STRESS AND WELLNESS. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 36, 43-60.


This text is approaches and reviews the similarities and differences in the perception of laughter according to gender, by survey research with 458 students in Mexico City in the year 2018. How laughter is experimented in their lives, how do they refer to laughter, what are their general insights, their perceptions, experiences and evaluations and above all, how does laughter to their feelings, emotions and needs. Results show that laughter mostly represents a feeling of joy to women and a sense of satisfaction for men. Although in other perceptions of laughter there are many similarities between males and females. In addition, its important role in the educational process is considered, by both genders.


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