No. 34 (2022): julio - diciembre


Briseda Noemí Ramos Ramírez
Universidad de Colima
María Concepción Barrón Tirado

Published 2022-07-01


  • Implicit Representations,
  • Curricular Innovation,
  • Teaching

How to Cite

Ramos Ramírez, B. N. ., & Barrón Tirado, M. C. . (2022). IMPLICIT REPRESENTATIONS OF CURRICULAR INNOVATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHERS. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 34, 141-160.


The article presents the results of an investigation about the implicit representations of higher education teachers about curricular innovation and its relationship with classroom performance. The study was carried out with teachers of a degree from the University of Colima, in which the competency-based model was implemented as part of a curricular innovation process. Fourteen teachers participated. The research was carried out under a qualitative - descriptive approach and a questionnaire based on dilemmas and open questions was used as an instrument for collecting information. It can be affirmed that the analysis of the implicit representations of the teachers begins in the self-perception regarding their performance; their beliefs, cultural background and their social context, which is decisive in their conception regarding learning, teaching, evaluation and innovation. In general terms, commitment to teaching, interest in students and the contradiction between linear or progressive thinking and a practice that adds didactic tools that boast metacognitive results are identified, all of this immersed in a context of construction and reconstruction of teaching continuously.


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