10 proposals for the consolidation of a public service music radio in Spain

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Lola Costa Gálvez


Music, with its profound ability to evoke emotions and bridge cultural divides, holds a significant place in our collective consciousness. Within the rich artistic heritage and passionate melodies of Spain, public music radio has played a vital role in shaping the nation’s cultural landscape. This article draws upon the author’s doctoral research, conducted at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2015, which explored the profound impact of public music radio on Spanish society. Reflecting on the research and subsequent academic articles published (Costa Gálvez, 2015, 2016a, 2016b, 2017), the author identifies the primary focus of defining a public service music radio. This article presents an opportunity to revisit and update 10 proposals for establishing and strengthening public service music radio in Spain, highlighting ten enduring principles deemed valuable in the year 2023. Through this examination, the article aims to contribute to the consolidation of public service music radio as an essential component of Spain’s cultural landscape.

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Author Biography

Lola Costa Gálvez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, España

holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB). She has taught and researched at the Universitat de Girona (UdG) and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). She currently works as a lecturer at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Her research interests focus on public service media and their relationship with the cultural industries, specifically music and radio.

How to Cite

Costa Gálvez, L. (2023). 10 proposals for the consolidation of a public service music radio in Spain. Revista Panamericana De Comunicación, 5(1), 147-152. https://doi.org/10.21555/rpc.v5i1.2892


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