Political satire as a communicative mechanism: the example of the collection of Various Papers of the Historical Archive of the University of Salamanca

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Agustín Vivas Moreno


The Miscellaneous Papers Collection (P.V.) of the Historical Archive of the University of Salamanca (A.U.S.A.) is a documentary collection, that is, a set of documents gathered according to non-objective criteria, and that therefore, do not preserve an organic structure nor respond to the principle of archival provenance, and that given its interesting material, largely unpublished, deserves to be consulted by researchers not only linked to university history, but also by scholars of other specialties devoted to studying the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. On this occasion, we will focus on documents related to political satire, a documentary form that is characterized by its critical, instructive and humorous quality, making it an extraordinary instrument of communication. The invectives to the ecclesiastical establishment, the criticisms to politics or other anecdotal issues are reflected in our documents. Finally, we present the appendix of these documents.

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Author Biography

Agustín Vivas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura (España)

Doctor en Documentación por la Universidad de Salamanca. Catedrático de la Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación de la Universidad de Extremadura. Ha sido decano de dicha Facultad y Director de Información de la Universidad de Extremadura. Director del Grupo de Investigación  ARDOPA. Profesor invitado de numerosas universidades europeas e iberoamericanas. Autor de  monografías y artículos en revistas científcas en materias como Archivística, historia de las Universidades y difusión de la ciencia.

How to Cite

Vivas Moreno, A. . (2022). Political satire as a communicative mechanism: the example of the collection of Various Papers of the Historical Archive of the University of Salamanca. Revista Panamericana De Comunicación, 4(2), 134-156. https://doi.org/10.21555/rpc.v4i2.2712

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