No. 38 (2024): July-December

Arte y educación. Reflexiones para un mejor mundo

Ana Paola Tiro Chagoyán
Universidad Panamericana

Published 2024-06-29

How to Cite

Tiro Chagoyán, A. P. (2024). Arte y educación. Reflexiones para un mejor mundo. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 38, 174-176.


The book edited by Roberto Rivadeneyra is the result of a research project that took a little more than a year. It is made up of eight texts that deal with themes related to art and education from different authors and issues. The work has three main guidelines pointed out in the introduction: the relationship between art and education, the reflection on the evolution of the concept of art and the identification of the effect of art on human affectivity. The book invites the reader to reflect on the role of art in the integral education of the person.



  1. Adorno, T. (1970). Aesthetic Theory. Traducción de R. Hullot-Kentor. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  2. Aristóteles (1985). Ética Nicomaquea. Traducción de Julio Pallí Bonet. Madrid: Gredos.