Analysis of the competencies and learning outcomes concepts of virtual environments

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Javier F. García


The present article focuses on the presentation of a proposal for the definition of the concepts used in our learning model in virtual environments referred as competencies and learning outcomes, based on an analysis of the existing bibliography in English, Spanish and Russian and the experience accumulated during 7 years of work in this modality.

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Author Biography

Javier F. García, University, Miami

PhD in Science from the Donetsk University of Technology, Ukraine, where he studied between 1972 and 1982. During his professional career, he has developed activities in both academic and business fields, standing out in projects related to the creation of new equipment and materials, knowledge management and innovative educational projects, mainly in distance education and virtual environments, and has been Professor of the Institute of Knowledge Management in Virtual Environments of the Virtual University System of the Universidad de Guadalajara from 2005 to 2011. In the virtual education modality, he coordinated the careers of Information Technology and Library Science and presented the project of the Knowledge Management Career .Currently, and since 2012, he serves as Academic Director of Humboldt International University where he has created the entire methodological body and the learning ecosystem for the 100% virtual modality, including unique innovations in both pedagogical and technological order. Adjunct Professor at Nova Southeastern University Miami, Florida and visiting researcher of the ARDOPA Group at the Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. President and Founder of the NGO Learning and Technology for Peace. He has led the PhD in Systems and Virtual Environments at Humboldt International University, author of numerous scientific papers, has participated in research projects in several countries. Director of doctoral theses and teacher in virtual environments in subjects such as project management, information and knowledge management, research methodology, development of educational resources, among others.

How to Cite

García, J. F. . (2021). Analysis of the competencies and learning outcomes concepts of virtual environments. Revista Panamericana De Comunicación, 3(1), 61-67.


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