The journal entitled Revista Panamericana de Comunicación was founded, as its name indicates, with a clear aim towards Pan-American universality, that is, as an instrument for the mobilization, study and impact of communication research in the geographical areas of North America, Latin America and Europe.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación transcends the Pan-American borders, and acts as a bridge between the Americas and Europe that is supported by two strong supports, specifically Mexico and Spain. To date, the journal has principally addressed topics related to political communication, photography and ethics, television narratives, ethics and aesthetics, research methodologies and the presentation of results in communication, history of communication, the film industry and videogames.

Call for Papers. Special Issue: Ibero-American Scientometrics


Submission dates: 15/10/2024        30/05/2025

Guest Editors:

  • Zaida Chinchilla (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC). España.
  • Ricardo Arencibia (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). México.
  • Rogério Mugnaini (Universidade de São Paulo) Brasil.

Robert Broadus notes that Bibliometrics originated when the librarians of Alexandria began counting their papyrus volumes (1987), setting a precedent for the quantitative analysis of the production and organization of knowledge. The development of scientometrics in Ibero-America has followed a unique path, influenced both by global trends and the region’s particular characteristics. Although the concepts and tools for quantitative analysis of science began to develop in the United States and Europe in the mid-20th century, it was in recent decades that these fields began to consolidate in Hispanic America (Hispania being the territory that would now correspond to Spain and Portugal).


The journal entitled Revista Panamericana de Comunicación was founded, as its name indicates, with a clear aim towards Pan-American universality, that is, as an instrument for the mobilization, study and impact of communication research in the geographical areas of North America, Latin America and Europe.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación transcends the Pan-American borders, and acts as a bridge between the Americas and Europe that is supported by two strong supports, specifically Mexico and Spain. To date, the journal has principally addressed topics related to political communication, photography and ethics, television narratives, ethics and aesthetics, research methodologies and the presentation of results in communication, history of communication, the film industry and videogames.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación is an international, open access, indexed, peer-reviewed, double-blind academic journal. The average approval time for an article is only fourth weeks and its webpage is bilingual (Spanish-English). It receives submissions in both languages, and does not charge for publishing. It is currently a semi-annual journal and will be edited continuously in the near future.

The editorial team of the Revista Panamericana de Comunicación is particularly concerned with the journal’s ethical aspects and academic integrity, and not just as an object of study, but also as a workshop for best practices.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación is a laboratory that allows communication researchers to experiment with the possibilities of a fully online academic journal with an open scientific perspective.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación, through its monographic issues, is expanding the frontiers of scientific communication since the topics it addresses constitute an attempt to solve new scientific problems and to propose new avenues for research topics.

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): July-December

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