The Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law of 2014 in Mexico what was achieved in terms of public media?

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Oneibys Torres Figueroa


This article highlights the importance of legislation defining and supporting public television in Mexico. The scope and limitations of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law of 2014 are analyzed in this regard. This is done because said legislation constitutes a system of constitutive rules, which defines the characteristics and the duty of public television in Mexico. Also because this law refers to the deontic powers that public television relationships mean in the Mexican political and social context. The issue is pertinent in a current context of debate on the construction of the notion of public service for the media in Mexico. There are important references to “the public” in Political Philosophy and Law, but there are few reflections on this matter from the Communication. The problem is that Communication corresponds to the analysis of the principles that govern the way of transforming manifestations and experiences into communicable aspects. This has to do with the task of the media to “advertise” in the public sphere and highlights the role of communication in social reality. The purpose of the review that is carried out is to contribute to the reflection on the institutional framework of public television from the communication point of view.

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Radio y Televisión

Author Biography

Oneibys Torres Figueroa, Universidad de la Comunicación, Ciudad de México

Doctora en Comunicación por la Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) y estancia posdoctoral en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Maestra en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de La Habana. Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Locutora, guionista y productora de programas de televisión. Conferencista magistral y ponente en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Ha publicado en revistas científicas arbitradas y la UIA edita su libro sobre intenciones comunicativas en medios públicos. Coordina la licenciatura en Comunicación Social, de la Universidad de la Comunicación, y es docente de asignatura en la Universidad Panamericana.

How to Cite

Torres Figueroa, O. . (2021). The Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law of 2014 in Mexico: what was achieved in terms of public media?. Revista Panamericana De Comunicación, 3(2), 43-51.


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