No. 37 (2024): enero - junio


Bianey Sel Lara
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Sergio Humberto Quiñonez Pech
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Published 2023-12-27

How to Cite

Sel Lara, B., & Quiñonez Pech, S. H. (2023). CULTURE OF PEACE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, (37), 72–88.


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Culture of peace and education work together to shape individual with knowledge, attitudes and behaviors focused on harmony, tolerance, respect, inclusion, and peace. This paper presents a systematic review whose purpose was to identify the lines of study of the culture of peace in secondary education globally during the last decade (2012-2022). The study was based on the PRISMA methodology; 367 articles were collected from the databases of ERIC, Education Source, Academic Search Ultimate, Web of Science and Redalyc. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 27 articles were analyzed. The results obtained reflect that most of the articles focus on the of the peace component in the school curriculum, although scientific production focused on identifying the effects of culture of peace programs was also identified. It is concluded, the study of this topic provides a deeper understanding of how education contributes to the development of citizens committed to peace.


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