Published 2023-12-27
- Competency-Based Teaching,
- Learning,
- Teaching and Training,
- Higher Education,
- Teaching Skills

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What are the teaching competencies that the university needs to develop to foster teaching excellence among faculty? This research addresses that question through a documentary methodology based on reviewing and systematically analyzing 20 sources on teaching competencies. These sources were selected based on three criteria: 1) Relevance, according to the scientific literature on teaching competencies. 2) Authorship, endorsed by an authoritative body on the subject. 3)Validity as an internal document within the University related to the development of teaching competencies. In addition to the literature on teaching competencies, the reference framework was based on the notion proposed by Ken Bain (2007) of «teaching excellence», which refers to the best university professors as those who achieve exceptional learning outcomes in their students. As a result of this analysis, 19 competencies were established: Commitment to Institutional Philosophy, Educational Innovation and Academic Integrity, Teaching Leadership, Didactic Planning, Didactic Execution and Didactic Evaluation, Digital Environment Management, Digital Pedagogy and Digital Creations for Learning, Communication, Continuous Learning, Openness to Change, Creativity, Problem-solving, Conflict Management, Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative work, and Critical Thinking.
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