No. 35 (2023): enero - junio


Lileya Manrique-Villavicencio
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-PUCP
Angela Maria Figueroa Iberico
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-PUCP
Jorge Ruiz Olaya
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-PUCP

Published 2022-12-31


  • Content Curriculum,
  • Learning Context,
  • Teacher,
  • Pandemic

How to Cite

Manrique-Villavicencio, . L. ., Figueroa Iberico, A. M. ., & Ruiz Olaya, J. . (2022). TEACHER PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AS EMERGING CURRICULAR CONTENT IN THE LEARNING CONTEXT. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 35, 178-193.


The Covid-19 pandemic brought repercussions at different levels and generates new learning that was not part of the school curriculum, but is recognized as necessary to help students understand the situation they are experiencing and manage their agency. Precisely, in the need to inform and educate for prevention and care, the Covid-19 pandemic is incorporated into the school curriculum as an emerging content, because it is linked to a problem that needs to be reviewed and questioned critical consideration (Anguita et al., 2010, Dego and Ferraz, 2008). This qualitative study seeks to explore perceptions of teachers about the incorporation of the Covid-19 pandemic as emerging content in the implementation of the curriculum and investigate the contributions of that content in students and their families during remote education (April 2020 and July 2021). Eighteen teachers from two schools in the Cercado de Lima were interviewed. The Covid-19 pandemic represented an emerging and structuring content, in which various diverse conceptual contents, practices, habits and attitudes were linked, incorporated through the programming of significant experiences, the integration of curricular areas, in permanent activities and tutoring. Teachers perceive a flexible curriculum, which allowed them to adapt the proposal of the Ministry of Education to the reality and needs of their students. The pandemic provided learning focused on the practice of new personal and health care habits, as well as the importance of values such as solidarity, resilience, among others.


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