Not-being, Falsehood and Contradiction: the Second Eristic Demonstration of the Euthydemus and the Problem of the False in the Sophist Francisco Villar 11-37 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
The Debate around the Notion of “Spiritual Immutation”: Contradiction or Synthesis in Thomas Aquinas’s Gnoseology? Fernando Hernandez 39-53 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
The Species that We Are. Thomas Reid as a Forerunner of Gene-Culture Coevolution José Hernández Prado 55-81 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Existence and the Sky. Remarks on the Relationship between Existence and Obedience on the Basis of S. Kierkegaard’s Thought Ángel Enrique Garrido-Maturano 83-107 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Heidegger: Pain, Nihilism and the Line of Metaphysics, between Überwindung and Verwindung Gianfranco Cattaneo Rodríguez 109-133 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Modelling Strategies in Alan Turing: Terms and Concepts of Machine Andrés Ilcic, Pío García 135-155 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Hermeneutics of the Judicial Text: A Construction Based on Paul Ricoeur Andrés Felipe Zuluaga Jaramillo 157-188 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
The Anthropology of Knowledge of K-O Apel from the Perspective of the Relationship Between Force and Meaning Adrián Bertorello 189-208 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Intermediate Syllogistic, Terms, and Trees J. Martín Castro-Manzano 209-237 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Who’s Thoughts Are These? Examining the Top- Down Approach to Attributions of Mental Agency Pablo López-Silva 239-257 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Conceptualism and Contradictory Experiences Nicolás Alejandro Serrano 259-289 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Science in Post-Modernity: Rorty’s and Lyotard’s Perspectives Nalliely Hernández Cornejo 291-323 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
About the Ontology of Quantum Chemistry Juan Camilo Martínez González 325-346 PDF (Spanish) XML DOI:
Interculturality From Periphery Gerardo Miguel Nieves Loja 349-374 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
The Political Dilemmas of the Transformations of Mexico: a Philosophical Approach Virginia Aspe Armella 375-410 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Herausgegeben von Bernd Dörflinger, Claudio La Rocca, Robert Louden y Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.) (2015). Kant´s Lectures/Kants Vorlesungen. Berlín-Boston: Walter de Gruyter Silvia del Luján Di Sanza 413-420 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Javier Espino Martín, Giuditta Cavalletti (eds.) (2017). Recepción y modernidad en el siglo XVIII. La antigüedad clásica en la configuración del pensamiento ilustrado. México: Centro de Estudios Clásicos, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM Eduardo Charpenel 421-425 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI:
Francisco Rodríguez Valls. (2017). Orígenes del hombre. La singularidad del ser humano. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, S. L. Pablo Ilian Toso Andreu 427-430 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish) DOI: