Are trendy digital media the most effective? Mier Uribe Methodology (MeMU): A new methodology for measuring advertising effectiveness in the media
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Since the launching of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and recently TikTok, to mention some of the most successful ones, adopting this type of digital media has generated an unprecedented attraction, mainly in the younger generations. However, at the advertising level, are these the most effective media? Could it be that traditional offline media — old fashioned for the new generations— are no longer effective for advertising? Historically, the advertising industry has had several methods to measure its results; however, over the last decades, industry leaders have pointed out many shortcomings in the measuring techniques and doubts as to whether the chosen media are the most effective ones (greater impact at lower cost). Moreover, uncertainty grows as traditional offline media are joined by a great diversity of online digital media. The new Mier Uribe Methodology (MeMU) aims to answer these and many other questions, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that the most effective media are selected for advertising. Through four research studies, MeMU identifies the specific market of the product to be advertised, the media consumed by that market, the level of impact of each of those media and, finally, a cost comparison. As a result, MeMU guarantees to showcase the most effective media for advertising.
Article Details
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