Artistic photography in the new media: capturing visual culture through representation and fiction

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Margarita Mena Macedo


Photography, as a medium and technique for producing images, has transformed our understanding and apprehension of the world. Currently, owing to the mass dissemination of photography and social media, we are living in an era in which everything is recorded and from many different perspectives. This paper discusses the possibility of a documentary capture of reality through the constructed photographic image, by providing a recount of the possibilities of photography in its documentary and artistic qualities over the years, and an analysis of three artistic projects.

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Documentación Fotográfica

Author Biography

Margarita Mena Macedo, Universidad Iberoamericana

Margarita Mena Macedo es licenciada en Diseño Interactivo por la Universidad Iberoamericana, maestra en Artes por la Kingston University de Londres y doctora en Historia por la Universidad Iberoamericana. Apasionada por la fotografía: siempre en búsqueda de su revelación. Su tesis doctoral se enfocó en la representación femenina en el siglo XIX en México a través del análisis de una muestra de retratos con la técnica del daguerrotipo. Actualmente imparte clases a nivel licenciatura.

How to Cite

Mena Macedo, M. . (2020). Artistic photography in the new media: : capturing visual culture through representation and fiction. Revista Panamericana De Comunicación, 2(1), 126-132.


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