Published 2023-06-23
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In the present study, we worked with 49 students (26 women and 23 men) of which two present hearing impairment (1 woman and 1 man) from the Thomas Alva Edison Elementary School in the City of Morelia, Michoacán. The research was qualitative with the objective of applying technological tools for learning mathematics with the participating population. Two digital applications were implemented: Monster Numbers and The King of Mathematics that are oriented to the resolution of basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). The results indicate that all the participating students had a fruitful learning in mathematical achievement with the use of technological tools because they were able to solve problems, reason, improve their memory and perform mental calculations in a dynamic, interactive and attractive way for obtaining prizes for the passage of levels in the technological game; achieving in this way the execution of a diversified strategy for the intervention with the population that presents the condition of hearing disability.
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