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Author Guidelines

Download Guidelines for authors

1. The authors must check in at the Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía. Saberes y quehaceres del pedagogo OJS web site: and upload their submissions in the reserved space.

2. Articles written in Spanish or English are welcome to be submitted.

3. In order to properly be sent to double-blind review, the submitted contributions must accomplish the following requirements:

3.1.  The submitted text for any of the Journal sections: <<Knowledges>>, <<To do´s>>, <<Notes>>, and <<Critical book reviews>>, must adjust to the focus and range of the Journal, already established in the web site.

3.2. The submitted text must adjust to the ethical code mentioned in these guidelines and in the Journal website. 

3.3. The length of the submitted texts for the sections <<Knowledges>> , “To do´ s>>, <<Notes>>, must be between five thousand and eight thousand (5000-8000) words. The critical book reviews must have a maximum length of three thousand (3000) words.

3.4.  The papers or the critical book reviews must be submitted as a Word archive (.doc, .docx), with a Times New Roman typography, 12 points size, with 1.5 line spacing, and subtitles in bold letters.  Every paragraph beginning must have a first line indentation of half an inch (1, 27cm) on the left margin. The author must make sure to remove from the text all the mentions that may identify him/her/them. This is in order to guarantee the anomacy of the author(s).

3.5. Along with the text, the author(s) must upload the following documents;:

a) Author data sheet 

b) Original and inedit authorship declaration, and review application, which must be properly filled-in and signed by all the authors. (PDF format, .pdf)

3.6. Quotes and references must follow the APA, seventh edition rules. As well as the formats of charts and figures.

3.7. The charts and figures must be numbered in order of appearance and in the place of the text where they belong. They must not be inserted as an image. 

3.8. Footnotes are to be avoided, unless they are absolutely necessary to make clear something that could not be incorporated to the main text.

4. All texts must include the following sections:

4.1. Titles in English and Spanish (15 words, maximum).

4.2.  Abstract in English and Spanish (between 150 and 250 words.) which must integrate  the aim of study of the text,  the theoretical bases, the methodology, and the main results or findings.

4.3. Keywords in English and Spanish (Between 4 and 6 words) in alphabetical order and following the UNESCO Thesaurus. 

4.4. The complete development of the text, with the proper sections of a scientific article, with coherence between title and content; and between the aims, the development, the discussion and the conclusions.  Theorical foundation, methodological rigour and critical interpretation of results and conclusions are considered to  be important criteria; not to mention the contributions to the fields of education and pedagogy.

4.5.  Reference sources must be presented as a list in alphabetical order and following APA 7 rules.  Each source must have a hanging indentation  of half an inch (1, 27 cm) on the left margin. izquierdo.  All the quoted references must appear in the final list.

Steps of the peer-reviewed process

1. First editorial review of the article, in order to determine it fulfills all the requirements established in the Guidelines for authors.

2. Analysis of the text with an anti-plagiarism software. Texts with more than 11% of coincidence will not be accepted.

3. Submission of the article to a couple of expert peers on the topic for a double blind review.  Should there be a disagreement between the reviewers, the article will be submitted to a third peer.

4. Answer to the authors with the reviewers results, the final publishing decision and, given the case, the modification requirements.

Note. The peer-review process and publication is chargeless for the author (APC´ s free).

Call for papers

Call for papers for number 37 is open. The deadline for submissions is October 20, 2023.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.