No. 38 (2024): July-December

The importance of learning based on creativity in college students in order to face challenges of the current environment

Sandra Lucía Tapia López
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2024-06-29


  • creativity,
  • lateral thinking,
  • company,
  • professionals,
  • present,
  • learning
  • ...More

How to Cite

Tapia López, S. L. (2024). The importance of learning based on creativity in college students in order to face challenges of the current environment. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 38, 159-172.


Creativity is a fundamental competence in daily life learning; it allows people to be able to generate new ideas, form new brain networks or connections related to originality and innovation, solve problems through unthinkable solutions, and adapt assertively to the change that we face every day. In education, mainly at higher levels, it helps students to understand and apply their knowledge in different circumstances, develop their critical and analytical thinking, be autonomous, self-sufficient, adaptable and resilient. Especially when they are about to become professionals dedicated to the care of such an important asset in a company, as is the human capital. The following work not only seeks to highlight the importance of creativity, but also to begin to understand it. From its implications and scope and to understand how it is applied in companies and in the world. Also, it helps to solve problems and improve processes of adaptation and evolution. At the same time, it seeks to demonstrate the change in students from a logical thinking to a creative. This process use techniques as theoretical knowledge, dynamics, case studies, exercises and practical application in an organization. At the end, the analysis and conclusions reached during the process and at the end are presented, in order to form their own opinion and implement the necessary changes, with the objective of facing the challenges of the current environment.


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