No. 33 (2022): enero - junio


Fany Lucero González Carmona
Profesor de Asignatura A. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala

Published 2021-12-31


  • University Students,
  • Internet Memes,
  • Transition to Active Life

How to Cite

González Carmona, F. L. (2021). EXPERIENCES AROUND THE END OF THE DEGREE: ITS EXPRESSION THROUGH INTERNET MEMES. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 33.


The present research aimed to know the experiences that young university students expressed around the end of the degree, through the use of internet memes. I start from the qualitative methodology and a sociocultural approach to understand that social networks on the internet are contexts of digital social practice and that internet memes serve as mediating cultural artifacts. 10 students from the last semester of the psychology degree participated, with whom I conducted 46 participant observation sessions, 104 digital observation sessions and two in-depth interview sessions with each one. The findings indicate that young university students experience this transition process between leaving the university and entering the job market as a demand that represents great anguish and uncertainty and is accompanied by the difficulties involved in breaking with student life. They expressed tension in the process of ceasing to identify themselves only as students to begin to assume themselves as psychologists; as well as by interacting with family and social expectations regarding life after graduation. This was revealed by the use and dissemination of memes on the social network Facebook where they shared and elaborated these experiences and emotions. Point it towards the fundamental need to approach the experiences of young people to develop strategies that allow under graduates and graduates to live this process accompanied by considering the socio-emotional elements involved in it.


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