Film fction as a discussion group on the construction of social problems: the case of Swallow (2021)

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José Luis Valhondo Crego


In this text we question in a general way how filmic fiction can pose relevant social problems and propose modes of agency to solve them. The films and the genres to which they belong configure a reality that implicitly relates the social structure with the agency of the protagonists. The interaction between structure and agency has been analyzed with discussion groups that negotiate the social meanings of political issues. This text examines how the protagonists of the fiction reflect a logic of negotiation on their own freedom to act. We take the film, Swallow, as a case study and use a methodology based on the analysis of the interactions that occur in the story. The results complete the evidence found in the experiments with real discussion groups. 

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Author Biography

José Luis Valhondo Crego, Universidad de Extremadura

José Luis Valhondo-Crego es profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación y la Comunicación de la Universidad de Extremadura. Se doctoró en Comunicación en la Universidad Rey  Juan Carlos de Madrid y es Licenciado en Psicología en la Universidad de Salamanca y Master de  Periodismo en la Universidad del País Vasco. Su línea de investigación está relacionada con la  Comunicación Política, la Narrativa Cinematográfca y el storytelling científico. 


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