The social function of cinema in times of pandemics

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Carlos García Benítez


This paper proposes a series of reflections on cinema and how it was reconfigured during the Covid-19 pandemic in our country. Cinema, as an industry, brings together several spheres, among the most important of which are production, distribution and exhibition. In the latter, audiences play an important role. Since cinema first appeared, it has never ceased to amaze us with the different social functions it has fulfilled for audiences. However, with the arrival of the coronavirus, during the confinement, other functions seemed to reveal themselves, in this text we propose some of them, in the interest of helping to think about cinema as a dynamic, vigorous communication phenomenon in the context of the pandemic and in the face of the so-called new normality.

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Author Biography

Carlos García Benítez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Holds a B.A. and M.A. in Communication and a Ph.D. in Art History from UNAM. UNAM. He has been editor of printed media. He is a professor in the Communication and Journalism Journalism and the Graduate Degree in Architecture at FES Aragón, UNAM. He has participated as a commentator on radio and TV on film topics. Editor of the magazine Voces y Saberes of the Graduate School of the FES Aragón. Has collaborated in several academic research projects; author of several articles published in books and magazines. He has been distinguished as Professor with Desirable Profile by the SEP and member of the SNI. the SEP and member of the SNI of Conacyt.


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