Report on the International Master Degree in Research in Humanities and Educational Sciences at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (Bolivia): a case of success during the pandemic

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Mauro Costantino


The present report describes the case of the Internacional Master Degree in Research in Humanities, the process that brought to its creation and its peculiar structure. The work shortly analyzes some of the program’s characteristics such as its goals, the curricular model, which is a key part of its success; it also explain the ability of being able to achieve the master degree program development during the pandemic. The combination of its modular structure, of its different and adaptable study plan, as well as its simple but effective tools show that, without the need of the highest technological levels, nor a very expensive infrastructure, it is still possible to achieve an example of success in postgraduate studies and in particular in research.

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Author Biography

Mauro Costantino, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia)

El Dr. Mauro Costantino, coordinador del Primer Doctorado en Investigación Transdisciplinar de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la UMSA, es Doctor en Lingüística Aplicada e Ingeniería Lingüística, enseña italiano en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés y coordina la Unidad de  Postgrado facultativa en dicha universidad desde el 2016. Es coordinador y autor de diferentes cursos de postgrado, entre lo cuales la Maestría Internacional en Investigación en Humanidades. Ama a los animales, los libros y su trabajo: la enseñanza. Es italiano, mas comprometido con la educación para el desarrollo de Bolivia ya que cree en la educación para crear un mundo más humano.