Connected +: An educational experience in covidianity. Reinventing virtual learning environments in Communication
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The transition to online education in times of coronavirus has implied not only the development of new skills and attitudes, but the explosion of creativity on the part of countless teachers. Suddenly, teachers became magicians’ apprentices, having to adapt and innovate. In particular, we were forced to learn to discover new possibilities that would allow us to co-create with our students a rich ecosystem of teaching-learning experiences in times of COVID-19. The aim of this article is to share the learning experience resulted from managing the online educational model that we have called «Conectados +». Several strategies and activities of interaction, co-creation and evaluation are presented, such as setting an exam in dyads – in the cloud and in a network – based on the theory of connectivism. Moreover, we describe the use of a variety of online platforms (Zoom, Google Drive, Twitter and YouTube) and technological resources (Jamboard, Poll Everywhere and Pinpoint) that make up the ecosystem of teaching-learning experiences of «Conectados +».
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