Núm. 15 (2009): julio - diciembre


Publicado 2009-12-26

Palabras clave

  • education; Malaysia; development; policy; plan

Cómo citar

Dolhan, H., & Ishak, N. (2009). NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY: EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN – CHARTING THE FUTURE . Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 15. https://doi.org/10.21555/rpp.v0i15.1775


Upon gaining independence from the British colonial occupation in 1957, Malaysia believes that education is instrumental to the development of the nation’s economy. Thus, educational development in Malaysia is based upon increasing access to education, increasing equity in education, increasing quality in education and improving efficiency and effectiveness of education management.

Secondly, the development of education in Malaysia reflects the multifaceted role it assumes in creating a progressive and united Malaysian society towards enhancing the quality of the lives of our children and generations to come.

Hence, no one should be excluded from the mainstream of development. At the same time, the mindsets, cultures and values which the people and social institutions are imbued with need to be strengthened in line with the nation’s aspirations to progress in its own mould.

In implementing these goals, the MOE (Ministry of Education) has formulated the Education Development Master Plan (EDMP) 2006-2010 as a comprehensive and integrated master plan for education development under 9thMalaysia Plan (9MP). EDMPwas developed in line with the national development plans and policies by taking into account the Third Outline Perspective Plan, Five Year Malaysia Plans, the framework laid out in the National Mission, the National Integrity Plan and others including national education development plans and policies. The plan is aimed at «Pioneering Change: ANational Mission» and put forward the policies the policies, goals, strategies, priorities, actions plans, key performance indicators, time-lines and budget for education development.