Editorial Team

Editorial director

Sara Elvira Galbán Lozano Ph. D.  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9915-0441

Member of the National Researchers System (SNI) Level I. She undertook a Postdoctoral research on “Curriculum, speech and reseracher’s formation” at Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. She has a Ph. D. by the Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. B.A. and M.A. at Universidad Panamericana. She is a full-time researcher-professor and research secretary in the Pedagogy School of Universidad Panamericana.She is a teacher trainer at all the educational levels. Her research fields are: actors and processes of the educational practice, reflexive practice and teaching. She belongs to the following research groups: Education, institutions and  innovation, Mexican council of educational research (COMIE). Mexican network of educational research (REDMIIE), International network on research teaching (RISEI). International platform on reflexive practice. She is the editorial director of Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía. Saberes y quehaceres del pedagogo since January 2021.

Editorial secretary

Gabriel González Nares M.A. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0890-5181

M.A. in Ancient philosophy and B.A. in philosophy at Universidad Panamericana. He has been a teacher of humanities subjects at the same university where, currently, he is a full-time associate researcher-professor of the Pedagogy School. His research fields are: philosophy of education, metaphysics, epistemology and medieval neoplatonism. He is a member of the Mexican philosophical association (AFM) and the Ancient philosophy Latinamerican association.Currently he studies the Ph.D. on philosophy at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is the editorial secretary of Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía. Saberes y quehaceres del pedagogo since 2021.

Editorial design and style correction

Magdalena Álvarez Alpízar B.A.

María del Pilar Alvear García M.A.

Technological support

Irene Palma Hernández B.A.

Scientific board

Concepción Barrón Tirado Ph. D., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Ángels Domingo Roget  Ph. D., Plataforma Internacional Práctica Reflexiva, España


Tomás Fontaines Ruiz Ph. D., Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador


Alicia Inciarte González Ph. D., Universidad de la Costa, Colombia


Marcela Jarpa Azagra  Ph. D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


Gabriela Martínez Sainz Ph. D., University College Dublin, Irlanda


José Luis Medina Moya Ph. D., Universidad de Barcelona, España.


Concepción Naval Durán Ph. D., Universidad de Navarra, España.


Mario S. Torres Ph. D., The University of Texas at San Antonio, Estados Unidos


Martha Vergara Fregoso Ph. D., Universidad de Guadalajara, México
