No. 39 (2025): enero-junio

Education of ethical sensitivity and moral judgement through Kierkegaard

Cristina Ugarte-Abollado
Universidad de Navarra

Published 2024-10-08


  • Happiness,
  • Moral education,
  • Narration,
  • Pedagogical guidance

How to Cite

Ugarte-Abollado, C. (2024). Education of ethical sensitivity and moral judgement through Kierkegaard. Revista Panamericana De Pedagogía, 39.


This article aims to present a way to foster moral growth through Søren Kierkegaard’s work The Sickness Unto Death as a tool capable of developing moral sensitivity and judgment. After discussing the need for this topic in the education of today’s youth, the thought of Martha Nussbaum will be introduced as the foundation for my proposal, justifying the ethical potential inherent in narrative. This potential is abundantly reflected in Kierkegaard’s work. From his unique existential style, the Danish philosopher addresses the authenticity of the self and of one’s own existence to achieve the true constitution of oneself. The various forms of despair that the author explores are analyzed, with excerpts from the work highlighting his mastery and subtlety in reflecting the complexity and dynamism inherent in human interiority. This provides the reader with the opportunity to reflect on their ethical and existential state from a Kierkegaardian perspective, recognizing in it the universal aspects of the human condition that great authors throughout history have conveyed through their works.


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