No. 55 (2018): Julio-diciembre

The Subject Before the Law Consciousness of the Moral Law and Faktum of Reason in Kant

Miguel González Vallejos
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Eduardo Molina Cantó
Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Published 2018-06-08


  • Kant,
  • Faktum of reason,
  • moral feeling,
  • categorical imperative.

How to Cite

González Vallejos, M., & Molina Cantó, E. (2018). The Subject Before the Law Consciousness of the Moral Law and Faktum of Reason in Kant. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 55, 275-297.


In this work, we shall analyze two aspects regarding what Kant considers the fundamental principle of practical reason. First, we shall try to show that the fundamental practical prin-ciple necessarily implies a sort of suspension of any subjective principle of action, that is, of the guiding function proper to maxims. This would be a first moment of negativity inherent to the consciousness of the Moral law within us. Secondly, we shall also attempt to show that the consciousness of this law in-volves the recognition of our original inadequacy with respect to it, and that this inadequacy is necessarily felt as a peculiar type of pain, a negative feeling as unique and original as it is unique and original the fact of the law ́s consciousness. This would be a second moment of negativity, this time related to the agent’s own practical identity.


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