Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- Gorgias,
- rhetoric,
- language,
- clarity
- speech. ...More
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Natali, C. (2013). Aristotle, Gorgias, and the Development of Rhetoric. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 17(1), 199-229.
In Aristotle's presentation, Gorgias seems to be only a rhetorician unable to express any interesting philosophical thesis. The reason for that is, in Aristotle's opinion, that a necessary feature of every philosopher is a clear and precise way of speaking, while Gorgias prefers a complex and obscure speech style. From the point of view of the evolution of rhetoric, Aristotle believes that Gorgias has a shortcoming, namely, that the elicits since appeals emotions and passions rather than logos.
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