The Conversion of the Intellect over the Sensible Images and the Sensible per accidens
Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- Thomas Aquinas,
- understanding,
- sensible images,
- per accidens sensible
- self,
- subjectivity ...More
How to Cite
Llano, C. (2013). The Conversion of the Intellect over the Sensible Images and the Sensible per accidens. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 24(1), 131-159.
The reflection of the intellect upon one's own act of understanding, as well as upon oneself, is only possible to carry out through knowing the extra animam realities. It seems to be that knowledge of the "self" is the sole case within Aristotelian philosophy of intellectual knowledge of the concrete, because it has to do concerns not with material but with individual objects. The author's research points at the question whether the per accidens sensible could be the answer to the knowledge of one's own subjectivity.
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