The Anthropology of Knowledge of K-O Apel from the Perspective of the Relationship Between Force and Meaning
Published 2019-12-13
- strength,
- meaning,
- anthropology of knowledge,
- hermeneutical logic
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This paper aims to show that the K-O Apel's Project of Anthropology of Knowledge belongs to the tradition of hermeneutics logic, developed by the Logic of Göttigen (Misch, Lipps, König). This statement can be proved by the fact that Apel conceives the relationship between das Leibapriori and das Erkenntnisapriori. In two text of sixties Apel shapes the relationship between human body (Leib) and knowledge as a polarization of opposite strengths. The logic of exclusive disjunction rules this polarization. Forty years later he changes his perspective and presents them as tensive relation of rivalry. In this way Apel takes in his own argumentation a central topic of the hermeneutics logic, namely, the life conception as a mediation between strength and meaning.
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