Número 38 - 2010

Filópono y el pseudo Justino contra la eternidad del movimiento

Alberto Ross
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2013-11-28


  • Philoponus,
  • Pseudo-Justin,
  • eternity,
  • movement,
  • physics.

How to Cite

Ross, A. (2013). Filópono y el pseudo Justino contra la eternidad del movimiento. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 38(1), 117-133. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v38i1.108


The aim of this paper is to present two of the most important critiques that Physics VIII has received. In order to do so, I will draw on two Greek commentators of the corpus who are very well-known due to the sharpness of their critiques to the oeuvre of the Stagirite, as well as due to their deep understanding of it. The first objection that I will look at appears in the commentary to the Physics of John Philoponus, while the second one is taken from an author called the Pseudo-Justin. Before I address them, I will briefly look at the two Aristotelian arguments to which the above objections allude.


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