Published 2019-06-29
- Hobbes,
- language,
- science,
- truth,
- nominalism
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Saiz, M. J. (2019). Definitions, Meaning and Truth: Aporias in Hobbes’ Linguistic Theory. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 57, 255-285.
This essay aims to recover the conflictive nodes in T. Hobbes’ theory regarding language, science and truth. Revisiting the diverse and contradictory readings that have arisen around these areas of his work we intend to point out the tensions inherent to Hobbes’ scientific project. No definitive answer is given to close the discussion; instead we aim to offer hints to identify the author’s positions (both explicit and implicit) that are hard to reconcile. Thus we intend to contribute to a deeper understanding of the multiple possibilities the Hobbesian text offers.
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