Communicating stories. The role of intervention in the development of narrative skills

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Marta E. Vivas-Rodríguez


The present research aims to analyze the role of intervention in the communicative development of narrative discourse, both for children with typical development and for those with Language Disorder (LD). The methodological bases followed are literature review, qualitative analyses, and hermeneutic research. For its development, the PRISMA method was followed, configured as a tool for conducting systematic reviews, so that researchers can certify intelligible and effective studies for decision – making. The results have been systematized according to four guidelines: research on narrative discourse in typical development, research on children with LD, relevant studies for analyzing the importance of intervention, and finally, and substantially, Intervention Programs in Narrative Skills. Two specific programs are presented: Story Champs and EDEN, which address key aspects of narrative discourse, such as story structure, the use of appropriate vocabulary, and overall coherence. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of knowing how to communicate stories for the development of narrative skills.

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