Online flm training and research in times of pandemic: state of affairs in Spain (March 2020-February 2021: a sample)

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Alfonso López Yepes


A sample or selection of actions originating from the pandemic declared since March 2020 is presented, whose situation as of February 2021 is still in force, although in part -still- controlled by the vaccination that is being applied globally. The virus has affected – as in all fields of knowledge – the entire framework of the film industry from pre-production-production-post-production, distribution and exhibition, as well as training and research. There are several headings that articulate this work in close relation at all times with open access, precisely to counteract as far as possible the situation caused by the pandemic. Thus, through various platforms, numerous cinematographic events can be programmed and accessed, even free of charge, broadcast globally and in real time. In this sense, film production in terms of training and research, supported by master classes, conferences, online seminars -webinars- and other formats, is increasingly present in social networks. Consequently, it refers to tools and instruments of production, recovery and dissemination via portals, channels and collaborative networks, for the distribution and informative dissemination of film knowledge. In this sense, we refer to a small sample or selection of specialised institutional and media productions in relation to film and the pandemic, including some Ibero-American references closely related to film training and research. And a final appendix that provides a permanently accessible corpus of online film reference or consultation sources, produced prior to these dates but still in force, which can be used as teaching and research materials, whether or not in times of pandemics, viruses or any other type of global disaster.

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Author Biography

Alfonso López Yepes, Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC)

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1990). Catedrático de Documentación de la UCM (1997). Catedrático Emérito UCM (2012…). Director Departamento Biblioteconomía y Documentación UCM (2002-2005). Director desde 1992 de la revista Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia y desde 1993 responsable del Servicio Documentación Multimedia del Dpto. Biblioteconomía y Documentación UCM. Director del canal RTVDoc-YouTube (2008…), portales Cinedocnet (2011…), Redauvi (2013…), Bibliored3.0 (2014…) y de lista distribución RedIRIS Bibliomem (2015…). Administrador (2012-2019…) grupos Facebook: Audiovisual 3.0BibliocineradiotvMultimediabolivia3.0Conocimientobolivia3.0. Presencia en Twitter, Linkedin, Educación y Cine,, Y en redes y ámbitos académicos iberoamericanos, como CLACSO, REDIB, IIBI, ASECIC… Autor libros sobre documentación cinematográfica, periodística, audiovisual y multimedia: Profesor visitante en Universidades de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, México, Perú, Venezuela.