Call for Papers. Monográfico: Comunicación y Violencia
Se presenta el monográfico Comunicación y Violencia, monográfico para el segundo semestre del año 2025.
Space with the latest updates from the Revista Panamericana de Comunicación
Se presenta el monográfico Comunicación y Violencia, monográfico para el segundo semestre del año 2025.
Submission dates: 15/10/2024 30/05/2025
Guest Editors:
Robert Broadus notes that Bibliometrics originated when the librarians of Alexandria began counting their papyrus volumes (1987), setting a precedent for the quantitative analysis of the production and organization of knowledge. The development of scientometrics in Ibero-America has followed a unique path, influenced both by global trends and the region’s particular characteristics. Although the concepts and tools for quantitative analysis of science began to develop in the United States and Europe in the mid-20th century, it was in recent decades that these fields began to consolidate in Hispanic America (Hispania being the territory that would now correspond to Spain and Portugal).
A historic agreement that will strengthen the dissemination and development of research in Latin America