About the Reading and Conceptualization of Cybernetics in Simondon’s Philosophy
Published 2018-12-13
- Gilbert Simondon,
- cybernetics,
- information,
- individuation,
- technical object
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This paper deals with the conceptual and historical-intellectual relationship that links Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy with cybernetics and information theory. For this purpose, it deploys three lines of analysis: (a) the French reception of cybernetics and information theory, and the positioning of Simondon in that conceptual field; (b) the transcendent meaning that Simondon assigns to them, as they express a new technological era of the twentieth century; (c) Simondon’s criticisms of cybernetics and information theory, which tend to dismantle the nineteenth-century remains that affect them from within and to think a new concept of genesis.
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