On Thinking: Hannah Arendt’s Dispute with Martin Heidegger
Published 2018-12-13
- politics,
- philosophy,
- way of life,
- common world,
- judgment
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Di Pego, A. (2018). On Thinking: Hannah Arendt’s Dispute with Martin Heidegger. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 56, 197-235.
In this article I analyze the dispute that Hannah Arendt engages with her former mentor on the activity of thinking. In this way, although it is possible to recognize different periods in the intellectual relationship between both philosophers, I show that the problem of thinking is a thread that allows us to articulate and clarify some of its oscillations. In this sense, although the lecture that Arendt pronounced in 1969 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Heidegger´s birth, tends to be understood as a laudatio or celebration, contains a critical indication in regard of the persistence of certain proximity of Heideggerian philosophy with the main tradition of philosophy. From this point the controversy around the task of thinking that remains veiled but is fundamental can be reconstructed.References
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