Reciprocal Action and Necessary Unity. On the Interpretation of E. Watkins regarding Kant`s Causal Model
Published 2016-12-27
- Kant,
- Watkins,
- causality,
- third analogy
How to Cite
Jáuregui, C. (2016). Reciprocal Action and Necessary Unity. On the Interpretation of E. Watkins regarding Kant`s Causal Model. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 52, 403-426.
In this paper, I make a brief presentation of E. Watkins’ interpretation of the Kantian causal model, and analyze some arguments that the author proposes against the possibility of understanding the third analogy of experience from the “event-event” model of causality.
From an alternative reading of the Kantian texts, I try to demonstrate, against Watkins’ view, that the third analogy of experience could be intelligible from the “event-event” model of causality, and that Watkins’ model might render it unintelligible, or at least obscure, the meaning of the second analogy of experience.
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