Número 47 - 2014

Virtudes y vicios argumentativos: A veinte años de Vértigos argumentales, de Carlos Pereda

Published 2014-12-07


  • argumentative whirls,
  • argumentative practices,
  • emphatic reason,
  • argumentative virtues,
  • Carlos Pereda.

How to Cite

Gensollen, M. (2014). Virtudes y vicios argumentativos: A veinte años de Vértigos argumentales, de Carlos Pereda. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 47, 159-196. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i47.666


The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance and relevance of the Carlos Pereda’s thought in argumentation theory, focusing on his work entitled Vértigos Argumentales, which has as its central purpose the defense of an emphatic reason, not deprived of uncertainty, but neither of objectivity. Keeping in mind that Carlos Pereda’s theory of argumentation is close to his conception of rationality, the author turns to the analysis of issues that intersect, such as epistemic virtues, the concept of rationality, an ethics of argumentation, etc. The paper concludes with the view of argumentation through the concept of ‘practice’, where different aspects to be considered in argumentative action are pointed out. It concludes that Vértigos Argumentales formulated and developed some basic intuitions that are present in the contemporary debate about argumentation and virtue.


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