Published 2014-12-07
- philosophy of language,
- philosophy of logic,
- vagueness,
- the problem of the many,
- semantic indeterminacy
- supervaluationism. ...More
How to Cite
Mena, R. (2014). The Sorites Meets the Many. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 47, 139-158.
The objective of this paper is to understand certain issues that come up once we recognize that a good number of natural language predicates are indeterminate in two different ways. For example, the predicate ’is a mountain’ is both vague and susceptible to the problem of the many. Throughout the paper I focus on how to distinguish these two kinds of indeterminacy, and on a certain problem that supervaluationism has when it is recognized that a single predicate can be vague and susceptible to the problem of the many. The problem is that supervaluationism loses its ability to capture our intuitions concerning sharp cut-offs. Finally, I offer a solution to this problem.References
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