Published 2014-12-07
- causal dependence,
- derivation,
- and presupposition.
How to Cite
Ramírez, E. G. (2014). The Kind Membership Theory of Reference Fixing for Proper Names. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 47, 113-138.
Gareth Evans (1973; 1982) presents what appears to be a successful common ground between descriptivist and direct-reference theories of reference fixing for proper names: the causal source theory of reference. In a recent paper, Imogen Dickie (2011) offers substantial objections to it and concludes by presenting a new alternative account, what she calls “the governance view.” In this paper I want to offer yet another alternative version distinct from the governance view. I will show, first, how to deal with Dickie’s objections without departing too far from Evan’s original proposal, and, second, I will argue that the resulting theory –what I call “the kind-membership theory” is simpler and more successful than Dickie’s.References
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