Número 13 - 1997

La muerte de Dios y la vida del hombre

Published 2013-11-28


  • God,
  • death,
  • man,
  • César Vallejo,
  • Heraldos Negros,
  • unhappy consciousness,
  • anguish.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Farjeat, L. X. L. (2013). La muerte de Dios y la vida del hombre. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 13(1), 219-236. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v13i1.429


The author approaches the unhappy consciousness thesis –present in modern philosophy– from Los Heraldos Negros (1918) of the peruvian poet César Vallejo. One of Vallejo's greatest discoveries is that nature has been stripped of the divine; in other words, that God is dead. The concept of God as negation of man and the death of this God calls morality into question and leads to a type of nihilism which, paradoxically, seeks for some sort of divinity and trascendence. Vallejo moves towards this direction: towards an irreligious religiosity that recovers its religiousness in the new life of the spirit, towards a suffering God intimately close to man.