Número 14 - 1998

Comentadores árabes de Aristóteles.

Rafael Ramón Guerrero
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina

Published 2013-11-28


  • Aristotle,
  • Alfarabi,
  • commentators,
  • arab philosophy.

How to Cite

Guerrero, R. R. (2013). Comentadores árabes de Aristóteles. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 14(1), 55-82. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v14i1.411


Aristotle was one of the philosophers that determined the development of Arabic philosophy. I review here the fortune of their works in the Islamic world and I deal with Alfarabi like a commentator. I offer furthermore a translation of the opening Alfarabi's Book of Categories.