Published 2013-11-28
- Fallacy,
- judgment,
- particular,
- argumentation,
- rhetoric
How to Cite
Öffenberger, N. (2013). On the Necessity of the Tricotomization of Falsity: Elements for the New Fallacy. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 17(1), 231-239.
The difference between the particular and strictly particular kinds of judgment requires the consideration of fallacia totum pro parte. The terms of a true universal judgment put in a strictly particular judgment form, falsify the latter judgment via fallacia totum pro parte. Therefore, we must trichotomize the simple false in ôlee pseudêês, êpi ti pseudêês via pars pro toto and epî ti pseudêês via totum pro parte.
- Ӧffenberger, N. (1997). La prehistoria de la lógica polivalente en la antigüedad clásica. Córdoba: Alejandro Korn.