Número 17 - 1999

Music and Rhetoric in the Perception of the Unity of the Human Being

Rafael Jiménez Cataño
Universidad de Bari

Published 2013-11-28


  • Rhetoric,
  • music,
  • man,
  • life,
  • knowledge,
  • form,
  • content.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cataño, R. J. (2013). Music and Rhetoric in the Perception of the Unity of the Human Being. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 17(1), 71-100. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v17i1.369


When a realirity is more human a reality is, the proximity between form and content is greater. This is the reason of the closeness between Rhetoric and Music, the former as the art of searching harmony between these elements, the latter as a reality where these elements further identify, being both disciplines an expression of the human condition. An analysis of the place of Music and Rhetoric within the context of human knowledge and life enables us to notice that we might appreciate Rhetoric more than we think, as we now perceive the relevance of form better than some decades ago (as in the '68 movement, for example). To sum up, Music is a bridge.


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