Published 2013-11-28
- John Paul II,
- Fides et ratio,
- encyclical,
- reason,
- faith
- modernity,
- contemporary,
- philosophy,
- culture ...More
How to Cite
Llano, A. (2013). The Boldness of Reason and the Obedience of Faith. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 19(1), 131-151.
The encyclical Fides et ratio corresponds to a new state of mind, characterized by cultural relativism. The point of this document is to summon the necessary intellectual and religious resources in order to recover the universal meaning of truth. It is the first time that the Magisterium of the Catholic Church engages in a theological reflection on the role of philosophy in contemporary world.
- Juan Pablo II. (1998). Fides et ratio.