Published 2013-11-26
- Aristotle,
- προαίρεσις,
- “ascending deliberation”,
- “descending deliberation”,
- choice
- practical silogism. ...More
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This paper argues that from Aristotle’s practical philosophy stem two different senses of προαίρεσις, which are related to two different senses of deliberation as well. The first sense of προαίρεσις refers to the particular deliberated choices, where the sought after goal, the desire related to it and the means used in order to attain it are particular in character and are all circumscribed to the particular situation where choice takes place. On the other hand, the second sense of προαίρεσις refers to those choices linked to goals over the intermediate and long term which, while they might be particular, seek ends that transcend the particularity of the given situation. To the first kind of προαίρεσις corresponds the “descending deliberation”, while to the second kind corresponds the “ascending deliberation”. Finally, an analysis concerning the characteristics of the practical syllogism according to the two types of deliberation is offered.
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