Número 22 - 2002

The Fundamental Puzzles of the Novo Hispanic Period

Virginia Aspe
Universidad Panamericana

Published 2013-11-28


  • Mexican philosophy,
  • New Spain,
  • Mexico,
  • Novo Hispanic,
  • aporia

How to Cite

Aspe, V. (2013). The Fundamental Puzzles of the Novo Hispanic Period. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 115-122. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v22i1.306


A presentation for the research entitled Las Aporías Fundamentales del Periodo Novohispano is developed by pointing out the kind of rationality and discourse that characterizes Mexican philosophy. Established, according to the author, in the 16th century, Mexican philosophy cannot be understood without appealing to the Nahuatl worldview, to the humanism of the Renaissance, to medieval scholasticism –specially the Aritotelian-Thomistic tradition– and to the modern and nominalist model of science. The approach towards problems and the attention given to details are characteristics of Mexican philosophy, which is presented as an aporetic knowledge that mainly focuses on political and juridical problems that rose since the Spanish Conquest.


  1. Virginia, A. (2002). Las Aporías Fundamentales del Periodo Novohispano. México: Consejo ​Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.