Published 2013-11-28
- Donald Davidson,
- action,
- aporia,
- intentional,
- agent
How to Cite
Vidal, J. (2013). The Aporia of Action in Davidson. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 95-111.
Based on the Davidsonian analysis of the notion of action, this paper attempts to show the difference between action as caused by an agent and action as intentionally described. So, on one hand, in the level of being there is not a class of actions which is the particular class of intentional actions; but, on the other hand, in the level of saying there is not a class of actions which is not the particular class of intentional actions: paradoxically, the only class of actions includes actions as caused by an agent, but, as such, the actions cannot be described.
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