Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- metaphor,
- dialectic,
- criticism,
- Topics
- Poetic,
- Rhetoric ...More
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García, M. E. (2013). Limits of the Aristotelian Critique to Metaphor. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 23(1), 71-97.
Aristotle's metaphor seems to have cognitive power as a very useful tool in his poetical and rhetorical works. In spite of this positive approach to the metaphor, he explicitly criticizes it in the Topics, where he is concerned with the accuracy of terms. Even with these critical arguments, rhetorical and poetical aspects can be supported by ananalyzing the dialectical tools
appearing in the Topics'. The kind of tools such as reasoning, proofs and definitions, are likely to share some of their main characteristics with
metaphor. Clarity and knowledge are the means that link dialectic with Rhetoric and Poetic.
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